S1 MagicSimulate
Data Simulation
Set the working directory to the directory of this file. All functions that have keyarg outstem (or outfile) have keyarg workdir
, and by default workdir
is the current directory (pwd()
# code for Julia
For using RABBIT in CLI, use command cd WORKDIR
for changing directory to the WORKDIR
containing input files.
Simulate founder data
Simulate genotypic data for 4 inbred founders with 400 markers randomly distributed over 4 chromosomes; each chromosome has length 100 cM.
# code for Julia
using MagicSimulate
outstem = "example"
fhaplofile = outstem*"_fhaplo.vcf.gz"
isfounderinbred = true, # default
For running RABBIT in CLI, use command cd WORKDIR
for change directory to the WORKDIR
containing input files.
# code for Linux shell.
# For Window CMD, replace multiline key \ by ^, and replace comment-key # by ::
julia rabbit_simfhaplo.jl --isfounderinbred true --nparent 4 \
--chrlen "[100,100,100,100]" \
--nsnp 300 \
-o example_fhaplo.vcf.gz
Simulate pedigree information
Simulate a breeding pedigree: 3 subpopulations (DH, F2, and three-parent cross) with equal size 100.
# code for Julia
using MagicBase
magicped = generate_magicped(;
designcodes=["P1/P2=>DH", "2ril-self1", "P4/3/P4//P2/P3=>1"],
founders = ["NA","P1||P3","NA"],
savemagicped(outstem*"_ped.csv", magicped)
# code for Linux shell.
# For Window CMD, replace multiline key \ by ^, and replace comment-key # by ::
julia rabbit_generate_magicped.jl --designcodes "[P1/P2=>DH, 2ril-self1, P4/3/P4//P2/P3=>1]" \
--founders "[NA, P1||P3, NA]" \
--subpopsizes "[100,100,100]" \
-o example
Simulate offspring data
Simulate genotypic data for the example connected multiparental population. If ispheno=true, simulate phenotypic values with a specified heritability and the number of QTLs underlying the trait.
# code for Julia
using MagicSimulate
using Distributions
pedfile = outstem*"_ped.csv"
seqfrac = 1.0,
seqdepth = Gamma(2,5),
foundermiss = Beta(1,9),
offspringmiss = Beta(1,9),
foundererror = Beta(1,19),
offspringerror = Beta(1,19),
allelebalancemean = Beta(5,5),
allelebalancedisperse = Exponential(0.05),
ispheno = true,
pheno_h2= 0.5,
# code for Linux shell.
# For Window CMD, replace multiline key \ by ^, and replace comment-key # by ::
julia rabbit_magicsimulate.jl -g example_fhaplo.vcf.gz \
-p example_ped.csv \
--seqfrac 1.0 \
--seqdepth Gamma(2,5) \
--foundermiss Beta(1,9) \
--offspringmiss Beta(1,9) \
--foundererror Beta(1,19), \
--offspringerror Beta(1,19) \
--allelebalancemean Beta(5,5) \
--allelebalancedisperse Exponential(0.05) \
--ispheno true \
--pheno_nqtl 1 \
--pheno_h2 0.5 \
-o example
Output files
outfile | Description |
outstem*"_magicsimulate.log" | log file |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_pheno.csv" | simulated observed phenofile |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_geno.vcf.gz" | simulated observed genofile |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_ped.csv" | simulated pedfile |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_truecontfgl.csv.gz" | simulated true inheritance pattern in continuous form |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_truecontfgl_mosaic.png" | plot genomic mosaic pattern |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_truecontfgl_recom.csv" | simulated true inbredcoef and #breakpoints for each offspring |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_truecontfgl_recom.png" | plot distribution of inbredcoef and #breakpoints |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_truefgl.csv.gz" | simulated true inheritance pattern at each marker |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_truegeno.csv.gz" | simulated true genofile |
outstem*"_magicsimulate_truepheno.csv" | simulated true phenotype values |
Output: pedigree
differs from the input pedfile
by transforming the designcodes
into pedigree format. outstem*"_magicsimulate_ped.png"
gives the plot of pedigree.
Output: mosaic
plots genomic mosaic pattern for up to 3 offspring per subpopulation.
Output: #breakpoints
plots distribution of #recombination breakpoints.