S2 MagicFilter
Data filtering
It is recommended to first run MagicBase.vcffilter
for fast online marker filtering.
The magicfilter
sequentially performs the following:
- Filter for subpopulations with size >=
. By default,min_subpop=1
(i.e. not performed). - Remove founders (and their offspring) if their numbers of progeny <
. By default,min_nprogeny=1
(i.e., not performed). - Test monomorphic for each subpopulation at each marker.
- Filter for markers with
for founder missing fractionf
and offspring missing fractiono
. - Filter for markers with minor allele frequency <=
. - Filter for offspring with missing fraction <=
. - Remove duplicated offspring (
isfilterdupe = true
) by keeping one of them with the least missing values; a pair of offspring are duplicated if their allelic correlation >=offspring_maxcorr
# code for Julia
using MagicFilter
genofile = outstem*"_magicsimulate_geno.vcf.gz"
pedfile = outstem*"_magicsimulate_ped.csv"
snp_minmaf = 0.05,
snp_missfilter = (f,o) -> o <= 0.9 || f <= 0.1,
offspring_maxmiss = 0.95,
isfilterdupe = true, # default false
# code for Linux shell.
# For Window CMD, replace multiline key \ by ^, and replace comment-key # by ::
# For CLI, snp_missfilter = (f,o) -> o <= snp_maxomiss || f <= or_snp_maxfmiss
julia rabbit_magicfilter.jl -g example_magicsimulate_geno.vcf.gz \
-p example_magicsimulate_ped.csv \
--snp_minmaf 0.05 --snp_mono2miss true \
--snp_maxomiss 0.9 \
--or_snp_maxfmiss 0.1 \
--offspring_maxmiss 0.95 \
--isfilterdupe true \
-o example
Output files
outfile | Description |
outstem*"_magicfilter.log" | log file |
outstem*"_magicfilter_geno.vcf.gz" | filtered genofile for downstream analysis |
outstem*"_magicfilter_ped.csv" | filtered pedfile for downstream analysis |
outstem*"_magicfilter_ped.png" | plot for filtered pedfile |
outstem*"_magicfilter_subpop_size.csv" | size of each subpopulation |
outstem*"_magicfilter_subpop_size.png" | plot distribution of subpopulation size |
outstem*"_magicfilter_founder_nprogeny.csv" | number of progeny for each founder |
outstem*"_magicfilter_founder_change.csv" | changes in founder genotypes |
outstem*"_magicfilter_ind_missing.csv" | missing fraction for founders and offspring |
outstem*"_magicfilter_ind_missing.png" | plot distribution of missing fraction among individuals |
outstem*"_magicfilter_snp_sum.csv" | summary of monomorphic test |
outstem*"_magicfilter_snp_MAF.png" | plot distribution of MAF |
outstem*"_magicfilter_snp_missing.png" | plot distribution of missing fraction among markers |
Output: empirical CDF of MAF
plots the empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF) of MAF per marker. See outstem*"_magicfilter_snp_sum.csv"
for the exact results. The MAF is calculated among offspring for each marker. The red dot indicates the fraction of removed markers for the given threshold snp_minmaf = 0.05
Output: empirical CDF of missing fraction per marker
plots the empirical CDF of missing fraction per marker for founders and offspring, respectively. See outstem*"_magicfilter_snp_sum.csv"
for the exact results.
Output: empirical CDF of missing fraction per individual
plots the empirical CDF of missing fraction per individual. See outstem*"_magicfilter_ind_missing.csv"
for the exact results. The red dot indicates 1 - fraction of removed markers for the given threshold offspring_maxmiss
Output: offspring duplicate
gives the heatmap of allelic correlation for each pair of offspring. A pair of offspring is assumed to be duplicated if their correlation > offspring_maxmiss
. By default, offspring_maxmiss = 0.99
. These output files are produced only if isfilterdupe = true