S5 MagicImpute
, andimputeaccuracy
.- By default,
masks 10% genotypes (foundermask=0.1
). For sequence data, mask only genotypes with read depth >= minread (minread=10
). - Use
without masking genotypes.
The magicimpute
first imputes founders and then imputes offspring. During the iterative founder imputation, it simultaneously performs the following:
- Impute founder genotypes.
- Delete markers that do not fit in. By default,
isdelmarker = true
. - Correct founder genotypes. By default,
iscorrectfounder = true
or offspring do not have genotypes in AD format`. - Infer marker-specific error rates. By default,
isinfererror = true
if model is not "depmodel" orisspacemarker = true
. - Refine local marker ordering. By default,
isordermarker = true
is not nothing. - Refine inter-marker distances. By default,
isspacemarker = true
is not nothing orisordermarker = true
After founder imputation, magicimpute
imputes offspring.
- If
, for each offspring at each marker, the posterior diplotype probabilities (in format GP) corresponding to the phased genotypes0|0
are caculated according to the forward backward algorithm, and the called phased genotypes (in format GT) are given by those with the largest posterior diplotype probabilities if they are greater thanthreshimpute
. - If
(default), the posterior diplotype probabilities (GP) are set as those ofphasealg=forwardbackward
, and the called phased genotypes (GT) are calculated according to the Viterbi algorithm. - If
, the posterior genotype probabilities (GP) corresponding to the unphased genotypes0/0
, and1/1
are caculated by tranforming the posterior diplotype probabilities ofphasealg=forwardbackward
, and the called unphased genotypes are given by those with the largest posterior genotype probabilities if they are greater thanthreshimpute
# code for Julia
using MagicImpute
genofile = outstem*"_magicfilter_geno.vcf.gz"
pedfile = outstem*"_magicfilter_ped.csv"
mapfile = outstem*"_magicmap_construct_map.csv.gz",
# code for Linux shell.
# For Window CMD, replace multiline key \ by ^, and replace comment-key # by ::
julia rabbit_magicmask_impute.jl -g example_magicfilter_geno.vcf.gz \
-p example_magicfilter_ped.csv \
--mapfile example_magicmap_construct_map.csv.gz \
--nworker 5 \
-o example
Output files
outfile | Description |
outstem*"_magicimpute.log" | log file |
outstem*"_magicmask_geno.vcf.gz" | genofile with some genotypes being masked |
outstem*"_magicmask_reversed.vcf.gz" | ground-truth genofile with calculated accuracy |
outstem*"_magicimpute_founder.vcf.gz" | intermediate genofile after founder imputation |
outstem*"_magicimpute_geno.vcf.gz" | result genofile for downstream analysis |
outstem*"_magicimpute_map.csv" | result mapfile |
outstem*"_magicimpute_compare_inputmap.png" | compare refined mapfile with keyword mapfile (if not nothing) |
outstem*"_magicimpute_delete.csv" | collection of deleted markers |
outstem*"_magicimpute_peroffspringerror.csv" | geneotyping error per offspring |
outstem*"_magicimpute_peroffspringerror.png" | plot peroffspringerror |
outstem*"_magicimpute_permarkererror.png" | plot per-marker error rates that are saved in genofile |
outstem*"_magicimpute_founderacc.csv" | imputation accuracy for each founder |
outstem*"_magicimpute_offspringacc.csv" | imputation accuracy for each subpopulation |
Output: imputation accuracy
gives imputation accuracies for each founder, and outstem*"_magicimpute_offspringacc.csv"
gives imputation accuracies for subpopulation, assuming that masked genotypes in outstem*"_magicmask_reversed.vcf.gz
are ground truth. These output files ( + outstem*"_magicmask_geno.vcf.gz"
) do not exist for magicimpute
using CSV, DataFrames
outstem = "example"
CSV.read(outstem*"_magicimpute_founderacc.csv",DataFrame; comment="##")
Row | founder | noffspring | nmarker | miss_afterimpute | ntrue | nonimpute | correctimpute |
String3 | Int64 | Int64 | Float64 | Int64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | P1 | 200 | 236 | 0.0254237 | 31 | 0.0645161 | 0.724138 |
2 | P2 | 300 | 236 | 0.0 | 25 | 0.0 | 0.88 |
3 | P3 | 300 | 236 | 0.0 | 35 | 0.0 | 0.714286 |
4 | P4 | 200 | 236 | 0.0169492 | 12 | 0.0833333 | 0.727273 |
CSV.read(outstem*"_magicimpute_offspringacc.csv",DataFrame; comment="##")
Row | subpop | subpopsize | nmarker | miss_afterimpute | ntrue | nonimpute | correctimpute |
String7 | Int64 | Int64 | Float64 | Int64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | pop1 | 100 | 236 | 0.0274576 | 441 | 0.0748299 | 0.958333 |
2 | pop2 | 100 | 236 | 0.0677119 | 565 | 0.145133 | 0.888199 |
3 | pop3 | 200 | 236 | 0.0620763 | 1608 | 0.0951493 | 0.931959 |
Output: map refinement
is the refined mapfile after refining local marker ordering and/or inter marker distance. outstem*"_magicimpute_compare_inputmap.png"
compare the refined mapfile with the map of input genofile and the map of keyword mapfile (if no nothing). These output files do not exist if input map is not changed.