S7 MagicScan
MagicScan performs QTL mapping by a single-QTL linear model via genomic scan. There exist more sophisticated methods using linear mixed models and multi-QTL models. It is recommended to use the statgenMPP
package. Here are two key references for statgenMPP
: Li et al. 2021
and Li et al. 2022
. For more questions, please contact: bart-jan.vanrossum@wur.nl
The input ancestryfile can be obtained from magicreconstruct
with hmmalg = "forwardbackward"
. However, the ancestryfile resulting from hmmalg = "viterbi"
does not work for magicscan
The magicscan
performs QTL mapping by scanning each marker with the simple linear model that can be specified by keyarg equation
. The keyarg equation
is a formula expression resulting from @formula
. See StatsModels.@formula
for the syntax.
For the default equation = nothing
, it means lastcolumn ~ 1
where lastcolumn
denotes the name of last column in the phenofile. For the default threshold = nothing
, the permutation method is used to calculate the threshold for QTL detection.
# code for Julia
using StatsModels # required for @formula
using MagicScan
ancestryfile = outstem*"_magicreconstruct_ancestry.csv.gz"
phenofile = outstem*"_magicsimulate_pheno.csv"
equation = @formula(phenotype ~ 1 + population),
# code for Linux shell.
# For Window CMD, replace multiline key \ by ^, and replace comment-key # by ::
julia rabbit_magicscan.jl -g example_magicreconstruct_ancestry.csv.gz \
-p example_magicsimulate_pheno.csv \
-e "phenotype ~ 1 + population" \
-o example
Output files
outfile | Description |
outstem*"_magicscan.log" | log file |
outstem*"_magicscan_perm.csv | logscore at siglevels for each permutation of offspring |
outstem*"_magicscan_profile.csv | lodscore and log10 pvalue for each marker |
outstem*"_magicscan_manhattan_qq.png | Manhattan and qq plots for the scanning profile |
outstem*"_magicscan_peak.csv | detected QTL peaks |
Output: peak
using CSV, DataFrames
Row | id | peak |
String15 | String15 | |
1 | marker | snp7 |
2 | linkagegroup | LG2 |
3 | poscm | 19.9873 |
4 | physposbp | missing |
5 | loglike | -203.8487 |
6 | CI0.95 | 0.0 ~ 22.1971 |
7 | CI0.95_marker | snp1 ~ snp9 |
using MagicBase
truepheno = MagicBase.readmultitable("example_magicsimulate_truepheno.csv")
Row | marker | linkagegroup | poscm | leftsnp | rightsnp | allele2_effect | var_qtl | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 |
String7 | Int64 | Float64 | String7 | String7 | Float64 | Float64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | |
1 | qtl1 | 1 | 6.4801 | snp5 | snp6 | 1.0483 | 1.0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |