If you use MagicMap for genetic map construction, please cite
Zheng et al. 2024(2). "Efficient consensus map construction in connected multiparental populations”. In preparation.
If you use MagicImpute for genotype imputation, please cite
Zheng et al. 2024. “Genotype imputation in connected multiparental populations”. In preparation.
If you use MagicReconstruct for haplotype reconstruction, please cite
Zheng, Chaozhi, Martin P Boer, and Fred A Van Eeuwijk. 2015. “Reconstruction of Genome Ancestry Blocks in Multiparental Populations.” Genetics 200 (4): 1073–87.
See section Statistical framework
for more references.
Thanks to the STW-RijkZwaan project (No. 12425) and BASF for financial supports. Thanks to Eligio Bossolini and Natasa Formanova for testing and providing valuable feedbacks! Thanks to Bart-Jan van Rossum for editing this manual!