Concatenates objects of class IBDprob
. All objects that are
concatenated should have the same population type and the same map. The
function is mainly meant for combining information for multiple crosses
with overlapping parents.
# S3 method for class 'IBDprob'
## Compute IBD probabilties for AxB.
AB <- calcIBD(popType = "F4DH",
markerFile = system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxB.txt",
package = "statgenIBD"),
mapFile = system.file("extdata/multipop", "mapfile.txt",
package = "statgenIBD"))
## Compute IBD probabilties for Axc.
AC <- calcIBD(popType = "F4DH",
markerFile = system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxC.txt",
package = "statgenIBD"),
mapFile = system.file("extdata/multipop", "mapfile.txt",
package = "statgenIBD"))
## Combine results.
ABC <- c(AB, AC)
## Check summary.
#> population type: F4DH
#> Number of evaluation points: 55
#> Number of individuals: 180
#> Parents: A B C