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Reads IBD probabilities from a plain text, tab-delimited .txt or .ibd file. Information about the file format can be found in the vignette ( vignette("IBDFileFormat", package = "statgenIBD")). A data.frame with the map must be specified as well.


readIBDs(infile, map)



A character string specifying the path of the input file. Compressed files with extension ".gz" or ".bz2" are supported as well.


A data.frame with columns chr for chromosome and pos for position. Positions should be in centimorgan (cM). They should not be cumulative over the chromosomes. Other columns are ignored. Marker names should be in the row names. These should match the marker names in the input file.


An object of class IBDprob.


## Read map for Steptoe Morex.
SxMmap <- read.delim(system.file("extdata/SxM", "SxM_map.txt",
                               package = "statgenIBD"), header = FALSE)
rownames(SxMmap) <- SxMmap$V1
SxMmap <- SxMmap[, -1]
colnames(SxMmap) <- c("chr", "pos")

## Read IBD probabilities for Steptoe Morex.
SxMIBD <- readIBDs(system.file("extdata/SxM", "SxM_IBDs.txt",
                               package = "statgenIBD"),
                  map = SxMmap)

## Print summary.
#> population type:  undefined 
#> Number of evaluation points:  116 
#> Number of individuals:  150 
#> Parents:  Morex Steptoe