Functions for extracting and adding metadata for objects of class TD.getMeta
extracts a data.frame with location, date, design, latitude,
longitude, plot width and plot length for all trials in TD.setMeta
adds metadata from a data.frame to an object of class TD. See
details for the specifications of the data.frame.
The most common use case is extracting metadata from a TD object, modifying
the content and then adding it back to the TD object.
Information in the metadata of a TD object is used in plotting functions
(e.g. latitude and longitude for a map plot) and when fitting models on the
data (the trial design).
When setting metadata, metadata has to be a data.frame with rownames
corresponding to the trials in TD
. The data.frame should contain one
or more of the following columns:
- trLocation
The location of the trial. Used as default name when creating plots and summaries.
- trDate
The date of the trial.
- trDesign
The design of the trial. One of "none" (no (known) design), "ibd" (incomplete-block design), "res.ibd" (resolvable incomplete-block design), "rcbd" (randomized complete block design), "rowcol" (row-column design) or "res.rowcol" (resolvable row-column design). Used when fitting models.
- trLat
The latitude of the trial on a scale of -90 to 90. Used when plotting the trials on a map.
- trLong
The longitude of the trial on a scale of -180 to 180. Used when plotting the trials on a map.
- trPlWidth
The width of the plot. Used in combination with trPlLength to determine the size of the plots in a layout plot of a trial.
- trPlLength
The length of the plot. Used in combination with trPlWidth to determine the size of the plots in a layout plot of a trial.
The values of the metadata of TD will be set to the values in the
corresponding column in meta
. Existing values will be overwritten,
but NA
will be ignored so setting a value to NA
won't result
in accidentally removing it.
See also
Other functions for TD objects:
## Create a TD object.
dropsTD <- createTD(data = dropsRaw[dropsRaw$year == 2012, ],
genotype = "Variety_ID",
trial = "Experiment",
loc = "Site",
repId = "Replicate",
subBlock = "block",
rowCoord = "Row",
colCoord = "Column",
trLat = "Lat",
trLong = "Long")
## Get meta data from dropsTD.
(dropsMeta <- getMeta(dropsTD))
#> trLocation trDate trDesign trLat trLong trPlWidth trPlLength
#> Cam12R Campagnola <NA> NA 45.171 9.532 NA NA
#> Cra12R Craiova <NA> NA 44.116 24.348 NA NA
#> Gai12W Gaillac <NA> NA 43.910 1.890 NA NA
#> Kar12W Karlsruhe <NA> NA 49.100 8.320 NA NA
#> Ner12R Nerac <NA> NA 44.170 0.307 NA NA
## Add trial date to meta data.
dropsMeta$trDate <- as.Date(rep("010112", times = 5), "%d%m%y")
## Add back meta data to wheatTD.
dropsTD <- setMeta(dropsTD,