Give diagnostics for mixed model coefficient matrix C and the cholesky decomposition
Give diagnostics for mixed model coefficient matrix C and the cholesky decomposition
## Fit model on john.alpha data from agridat package.
data(john.alpha, package = "agridat")
## Fit simple model with only fixed effects.
LMM1 <- LMMsolve(fixed = yield ~ rep + gen,
data = john.alpha)
## Obtain deviance.
#> Summary of matrix C
#> Matrix object of class 'spam' of dimension 26x26,
#> with 168 (row-wise) nonzero elements.
#> Density of the matrix is 24.9%.
#> Class 'spam' (32-bit)
#> Summary of cholesky decomposition of C
#> Matrix object of class 'spam' of dimension 26x26,
#> with 98 (row-wise) nonzero elements.
#> Density of the matrix is 14.5%.
#> Class 'spam' (32-bit)