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Summary method for class "LMMsolve". Creates either a table of effective dimensions (which = "dimensions") or a table of variances (which = "variances").


# S3 method for LMMsolve
summary(object, which = c("dimensions", "variances"), ...)

# S3 method for summary.LMMsolve
print(x, ...)



An object of class LMMsolve


A character string indicating which summary table should be created.


Some methods for this generic require additional arguments. None are used in this method.


An object of class summary.LMMsolve, the result of a call to summary.LMM


A data.frame with either effective dimensions or variances depending on which.

Methods (by generic)

  • print(summary.LMMsolve): print summary


## Fit model on john.alpha data from agridat package.
data(john.alpha, package = "agridat")

## Fit simple model with only fixed effects.
LMM1 <- LMMsolve(fixed = yield ~ rep + gen,
                data = john.alpha)

## Obtain table of effective dimensions.
summ1 <- summary(LMM1)
#> Table with effective dimensions and penalties: 
#>         Term Effective Model Nominal Ratio Penalty
#>  (Intercept)         1     1       1     1    0.00
#>          rep         2     2       2     1    0.00
#>          gen        23    23      23     1    0.00
#>     residual        46    72      46     1    7.43
#>  Total Effective Dimension: 72 

## Obtain table of variances.
summ2 <- summary(LMM1,
                which = "variances")
#> Table with variances: 
#>   VarComp Variance
#>  residual     0.13