statgenHTP tutorial: 2. Outlier detection for single observations
Emilie Millet, Bart-Jan van Rossum, Isabelle Sanchez, Nadine Hilgert
An outlier is usually defined as an observation that appears to be inconsistent with the remainder of the data set (Barnett and Lewis 1994). Observations may be single time points (Grubbs 1950) or whole time courses of one or more variables (Hubert, Rousseeuw, and Segaert 2015). An illustration is given below, where we see the difficulty of deciding whether a biomass time course (red curve at the bottom left) is atypical in a set of time courses from plants of the same genotype, or whether this slow growth is due to the plant’s position in the platform.

Heatmap of the biomass estimated at a specific time point (with a color gradient) of each plant according to its location in the platform (line, position). Well-watered (WW) treatment on the left, water deficit (WD) on the right. The plots show the biomass time courses for a given genotype (3 repetitions in each treatment). The question is whether the red growth curve on the left corresponds to an outlier plant (e.g. a seed problem) or whether this slow growth is due to the plant’s location in the platform (PhenoArch Platform, INRAE). Courtesy: Llorenç Cabrera-Bosquet and Santiago Alvarez Prado.
The concept of outlier can be extended to “outlier plants”, defined here as biological replicates deviating from the overall distribution of plants on a multi-criteria basis, regardless of the quality of measurements (Alvarez Prado et al. 2019).
This documents describes the procedures to detect outlying single observations in a time course with examples on experimental data measured directly on the plants or indirectly via image analysis for example.
Definition of outlying single observation
Time courses of phenotypic data are viewed as continuous time-related functions. The first cleaning step consists of roughly checking the consistency of each point with its neighbors within a time course. Outlying single observations are measurements that do not follow the expected behavior at a given time. The detection of outlying observations is done “one time course after the other”. Identifying and removing these points will facilitate the outlier detection of series of observations or plants, as proposed in statgenHTP tutorial: 4. Outlier detection for series of observations.
The detection requires fitting a model from the data, as a function of time. Two types of models can be used, one based on nonlinear parametric regression (Gompertz Model or sigmoidal function for example) and the other on non-parametric regression. Data annotation is based on the comparison of the experimental data with its estimated value from the model. If they differ significantly, the data will be annotated as suspect.
NOTE: We only consider non-parametric regression in this package because of its flexibility to fit any type of curve.
Illustration of the non-parametric function
Local regression is a well known smoothing technique which locally
approximates an unknown function by parametric functions. It is a
two-step procedure included in the detectSingleOut
function: the locfit()
function fits a
local regression at a set of points, then, the predict()
function is used to interpolate this fit to other points. A confidence
interval can then be calculated. Points outside this interval will be
annotated as outliers.
The user can set:
the smoothing parameter
. This is the parameternn
from the locfit package (Nearest neighbor component of the smoothing parameter). This parameter values range from 0 to 1, with the higher the value, the smoother the curve.the level at which the confidence interval
is calculated. A large value calculates a wide interval and fewer outliers are annotated.the parameter
. By setting this parameter toTRUE
(the default), before the local regression a check is done to determine if the first and last time point in the time series for a plot are outliers. Thelocfit
function sometimes has problems determining these outliers. The use of this parameter is demonstrated in example 2.
The functions are illustrated with the three example data sets. For more information about the data, see statgenHTP tutorial: 1. Introduction, data description and preparation.
Example 1
First a TP
object is created containing all the time
PhenovatorDat1 <- PhenovatorDat1[!PhenovatorDat1$pos %in% c("c24r41", "c7r18", "c7r49"), ]
## Create a TP object containing the data from the Phenovator.
phenoTP <- createTimePoints(dat = PhenovatorDat1,
experimentName = "Phenovator",
genotype = "Genotype",
timePoint = "timepoints",
repId = "Replicate",
plotId = "pos",
rowNum = "y", colNum = "x",
addCheck = TRUE,
checkGenotypes = c("check1", "check2", "check3", "check4"))
We then run the function on a subset of plants to set the parameters,
using the plotIds
option. The smoothing parameter
is set at 0.1. The curves are atypical and to
detect only the very strange points, fitted curves cannot be too smooth.
The confidence interval size confIntSize
is set at 3 which
is a relatively narrow interval.
# First select a subset of plants, for example here 8 plants.
plantSel <- c("c1r17","c13r17","c6r51","c21r24","c5r54","c21r32","c14r48","c5r26")
# Then run on the subset
resuVatorHTP <- detectSingleOut(TP = phenoTP,
trait = "EffpsII",
plotIds = plantSel,
confIntSize = 3,
nnLocfit = 0.1)
plotId | timePoint | EffpsII | yPred | sd_yPred | lwr | upr | outlier |
c13r17 | 2018-06-03 09:07:00 | 0.751 | 0.6852574 | 0.0389194 | 0.5684992 | 0.8020156 | 0 |
c13r17 | 2018-06-03 11:37:00 | 0.538 | 0.6833963 | 0.0255016 | 0.6068916 | 0.7599011 | 1 |
c13r17 | 2018-06-03 14:37:00 | 0.737 | 0.7045487 | 0.0342136 | 0.6019078 | 0.8071896 | 0 |
c13r17 | 2018-06-04 09:07:00 | 0.619 | 0.6330957 | 0.0436610 | 0.5021126 | 0.7640788 | 0 |
c13r17 | 2018-06-04 11:37:00 | 0.711 | 0.6655915 | 0.0322765 | 0.5687620 | 0.7624211 | 0 |
c13r17 | 2018-06-04 14:37:00 | 0.633 | 0.6861254 | 0.0330415 | 0.5870010 | 0.7852499 | 0 |
The function output is a data.frame
containing for each
plant at each time point: the predicted value, yPred
, the
standard deviation of the prediction, sd_yPred
, the limits
of the confidence interval, lwr
and upr
, and
the outlier
status. When a point is annotated as outlying,
the value of the outlier column is 1, it is 0 otherwise.
The predicted values can be visualized to adjust the smoothing
parameter and the confidence interval using the plot
function. The option outOnly
, default value
, enables visualizing only plants with annotated
outliers. Here, we are visualizing one plant and then all the selected
plants to check the prediction.
plotIds = "c13r17",
outOnly = FALSE)
#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
#> object 'type_sum.accel' not found
plotIds = plantSel,
outOnly = FALSE)
In the plots, the black dots are the raw data, the red line is the predicted curve, the green lines are the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval. Outlying points are highlighted in blue.
The annotated points can be replaced by NA for the studied trait
using the function removeSingleOut
. It creates a new
phenoTPOut <- removeSingleOut(phenoTP,
# Check one value annotated as outlier in the original TP object
phenoTP[[16]][phenoTP[[16]]$plotId=="c14r32", c("plotId", "EffpsII")]
#> plotId EffpsII
#> 16 c14r32 0.63
# Check the same value in the new TP object
phenoTPOut[[16]][phenoTPOut[[16]]$plotId=="c14r32", c("plotId", "EffpsII")]
#> plotId EffpsII
#> 16 c14r32 0.63
Example 2
First a TP
object is created containing all the time
phenoTParch <- createTimePoints(dat = PhenoarchDat1,
experimentName = "Phenoarch",
genotype = "Genotype",
timePoint = "Date",
plotId = "pos",
rowNum = "Row",
colNum = "Col")
We then run the function on a subset of plants to set the parameters,
using the plotIds
option. The smoothing parameter
is set at 0.5. The curves are linear and medium
smooth is enough. The confidence interval size confIntSize
is set at 5 which is a medium interval.
# First select a subset of plants, for example here 7 plants
plantSelArch <- c("c22r7", "c8r22", "c1r10", "c21r43", "c14r15", "c25r12", "c6r54")
# Then run on the subset
resuArchHTP <- detectSingleOut(TP = phenoTParch,
trait = "LeafArea",
plotIds = plantSelArch,
confIntSize = 5,
nnLocfit = 0.5)
plotId | timePoint | LeafArea | yPred | sd_yPred | lwr | upr | outlier | |
22 | c14r15 | 2017-05-09 | 0.3095688 | 0.2998288 | 0.0023225 | 0.2882164 | 0.3114412 | 0 |
23 | c14r15 | 2017-05-11 | 0.3268933 | 0.3305959 | 0.0023188 | 0.3190019 | 0.3421899 | 0 |
24 | c14r15 | 2017-05-12 | 0.3420478 | 0.3450079 | 0.0028001 | 0.3310072 | 0.3590086 | 0 |
25 | c14r15 | 2017-05-13 | 0.3621102 | 0.3587838 | 0.0037381 | 0.3400936 | 0.3774741 | 0 |
26 | c14r15 | 2017-05-15 | 0.0910594 | 0.3871152 | 0.0062159 | 0.3560358 | 0.4181947 | 1 |
The prediction values can be visualized to adjust the smoothing
parameter and the confidence interval using the plot
plotIds = "c14r15",
outOnly = FALSE)
plotIds = plantSelArch,
outOnly = FALSE)
In the plots, the black dots are the raw data, the red line is the predicted curve, the green lines are the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval. Outlying points are highlighted in blue.
It is possible to run the outlier detection without first checking if the first and last time point are outlying. Doing this could be useful is some cases, but might give undesired results as well as the example below shows.
# Detect outliers without first checking edges.
resuArchHTPNoEdges <- detectSingleOut(TP = phenoTParch,
trait = "LeafArea",
plotIds = "c14r15",
checkEdges = FALSE,
confIntSize = 5,
nnLocfit = 0.5)
The annotated points can be replaced by NA for the studied trait
using the function removeSingleOut
. It creates a new
phenoTParchOut <- removeSingleOut(phenoTParch,
# Check one value annotated as outlier in the original TP object
phenoTParch[[30]][phenoTParch[[30]]$plotId == "c12r31", c("plotId", "LeafArea")]
#> plotId LeafArea
#> 16655 c12r31 0.2447164
# Check the same value in the new TP object
phenoTParchOut[[30]][phenoTParchOut[[30]]$plotId == "c12r31", c("plotId", "LeafArea")]
#> plotId LeafArea
#> 16655 c12r31 0.2447164
Example 3
First a TP
object is created containing all the time
rootTP <- createTimePoints(dat = RootDat1,
experimentName = "UCL1",
genotype = "Genotype",
timePoint = "Time",
plotId = "plantId",
rowNum = "Strip",
colNum = "Pos")
We then run the function on a subset of plants to set the parameters,
using the plotIds
option. The smoothing parameter
is set at 1. The curves are almost linear and a
strong smooth is enough to get an accurate curve shape (line). The
confidence interval size confIntSize
is set at 5 which is a
medium interval.
# First select a subset of plants, for example here 7 plants
plantSelRoot <- unique(RootDat1$plantId)[1:7]
# Then run on the subset
resuRootHTP <- detectSingleOut(TP = rootTP,
trait = "tipPos_y",
plotIds = plantSelRoot,
confIntSize = 5,
nnLocfit = 1)
plotId | timePoint | tipPos_y | yPred | sd_yPred | lwr | upr | outlier | |
38 | A_01_2 | 2016-11-12 03:21:58 | 6.775000 | 6.355150 | 0.1571693 | 5.569304 | 7.140996 | 0 |
39 | A_01_2 | 2016-11-12 05:41:17 | 6.760714 | 6.451046 | 0.1570347 | 5.665872 | 7.236219 | 0 |
40 | A_01_2 | 2016-11-12 14:57:43 | 6.775000 | 6.856314 | 0.1555333 | 6.078648 | 7.633981 | 0 |
41 | A_01_2 | 2016-11-12 17:16:51 | 6.921429 | 6.965262 | 0.1550652 | 6.189936 | 7.740588 | 0 |
42 | A_01_2 | 2016-11-13 04:52:57 | 6.014286 | 7.576345 | 0.1541887 | 6.805402 | 8.347288 | 1 |
43 | A_01_2 | 2016-11-13 07:12:14 | 5.728571 | 7.711560 | 0.1549867 | 6.936627 | 8.486493 | 1 |
The prediction values can be visualized to adjust the smoothing
parameter and the confidence interval using the plot
plotIds = "A_03_2",
outOnly = FALSE)
plotIds = plantSelRoot,
outOnly = FALSE)
In the plots, the black dots are the raw data, the red line is the predicted curve, the green lines are the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval. Outlying points are highlighted in blue.
The annotated points can be replaced by NA for the studied trait
using the function removeSingleOut
. It creates an new
rootTPOut <- removeSingleOut(rootTP,
# Check one value annotated as outlier in the original TP object
rootTP[[11127]][rootTP[[11127]]$plotId == "A_01_2", c("plotId", "tipPos_y")]
#> plotId tipPos_y
#> 42 A_01_2 6.014286
# Check the same value in the new TP object
rootTPOut[[11127]][rootTPOut[[11127]]$plotId == "A_01_2", c("plotId", "tipPos_y")]
#> plotId tipPos_y
#> 42 A_01_2 NA