IBD calculation for multi parental populations. Per cross IBD probabilities
are calculated using calcIBD
in the statgenIBD package. These
probabilities are combined with optional phenotypic data and stored in a
single object of class gDataMPP
grid = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE
- crossNames
A character vector, the names of the crosses.
- markerFiles
A character vector indicating the locations of the files with genotypic information for the populations. The files should be in tab-delimited format with a header containing marker names.
- pheno
A data.frame or a list of data.frames with phenotypic data, with genotypes in the first column
and traits in the following columns. The trait columns should be numerical columns only. A list of data.frames can be used for replications, i.e. different trials.- popType
A character string indicating the type of population. One of DH, Fx, FxDH, BCx, BCxDH, BC1Sx, BC1SxDH, C3, C3DH, C3Sx, C3SxDH, C4, C4DH, C4Sx, C4SxDH (see Details).
- mapFile
A character string indicating the location of the map file for the population. The file should be in tab-delimited format. It should consist of exactly three columns, marker, chromosome and position. There should be no header. The positions in the file should be in centimorgan.
- evalDist
A numeric value, the maximum distance in cM between evaluation points.
- grid
Should the extra markers that are added to assure the a maximum distince of
be on a grid (TRUE
) or in between marker existing marker positions (FALSE
).- verbose
Should progress be printed?
An object of class gDataMPP
with the following components:
a data.frame containing map data. Map is sorted by chromosome and position.
a 3D matrix containing IBD probabilities.
data.frame or list of data.frames containing phenotypic data.
a kinship matrix.
a data.frame with extra covariates (including the name of the cross).
IBD probabilities can be calculated for many different types of populations. In the following table all supported populations are listed. Note that the value of x in the population types is variable, with its maximum value depicted in the last column.
Population type | Cross | Description | max. x |
DH | biparental | doubled haploid population | |
Fx | biparental | Fx population (F1, followed by x-1 generations of selfing) | 8 |
FxDH | biparental | Fx, followed by DH generation | 8 |
BCx | biparental | backcross, second parent is recurrent parent | 9 |
BCxDH | biparental | BCx, followed by DH generation | 9 |
BC1Sx | biparental | BC1, followed by x generations of selfing | 7 |
BC1SxDH | biparental | BC1, followed by x generations of selfing and DH | 6 |
C3 | three-way | three way cross: (AxB) x C | |
C3DH | three-way | C3, followed by DH generation | |
C3Sx | three-way | C3, followed by x generations of selfing | 7 |
C3SxDH | three-way | C3, followed by x generations of selfing and DH generation | 6 |
C4 | four-way | four-way cross: (AxB) x (CxD) | |
C4DH | four-way | C4, followed by DH generation | |
C4Sx | four-way | C4, followed by x generations of selfing | 6 |
C4SxDH | four-way | C4, followed by x generations of selfing and DH generation | 6 |
## Read phenotypic data.
pheno <- read.delim(system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxBxCpheno.txt",
package = "statgenMPP"))
## Rename first column to genotype.
colnames(pheno)[1] <- "genotype"
## Compute IBD probabilities for simulated population - AxB, AxC.
ABC <- calcIBDMPP(crossNames = c("AxB", "AxC"),
markerFiles = c(system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxB.txt",
package = "statgenMPP"),
system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxC.txt",
package = "statgenMPP")),
pheno = pheno,
popType = "F4DH",
mapFile = system.file("extdata/multipop", "mapfile.txt",
package = "statgenMPP"),
evalDist = 5)
#> map
#> Number of markers: 95
#> Number of chromosomes: 5
#> markers
#> Number of markers: 95
#> Number of genotypes: 180
#> Parents: A, B, C
#> pheno
#> Number of traits: 1
#> Traitnames: yield
#> Number of genotypes: 180
#> crosses
#> AxB:100
#> AxC: 80