Function for creating an object of class gDataMPP from an object of class IBDprob (computed or imported using statgenIBD) and phenotypic data.
- IBDprob
An object of class
.- pheno
A data frame with at least columns "genotype" for the "genotype" and one or more numerical columns containing phenotypic information. A column "cross" can be used for indicating the cross the genotype comes from. This column is ignored if the
has an attribute genoCross containing this information (the default behaviour).
## Read phenotypic data.
pheno <- read.delim(system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxBxCpheno.txt",
package = "statgenMPP"))
## Rename first column to genotype.
colnames(pheno)[1] <- "genotype"
## Compute IBD probabilities for simulated population using statgenIBD - AxB
AB <- statgenIBD::calcIBD(popType = "F4DH",
markerFile = system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxB.txt",
package = "statgenMPP"),
mapFile = system.file("extdata/multipop", "mapfile.txt",
package = "statgenMPP"),
evalDist = 5)
## Create an object of class gDataMPP from IBD probabilities and
## phenotypic data.
ABMPP <- createGDataMPP(IBDprob = AB, pheno = pheno)