Multi round genome scans for QTL detection.
Several rounds of QTL detection are performed. First a model is fitted
without cofactors. If for at least one marker the \(-log10(p)\) value is
above the threshold the marker with the lowest p-Value is added as cofactor
in the next round of QTL detection. This process continues until there are
no new markers with a \(-log10(p)\) value above the threshold or until
the maximum number of cofactors is reached.
trait = NULL,
QTLwindow = 10,
threshold = 3,
maxCofactors = NULL,
computeKin = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE
- MPPobj
An object of class gDataMPP, typically the output of either
.- trait
A character string indicating the trait QTL mapping is done for.
- QTLwindow
A numerical value indicating the window around a QTL that is considered as part of that QTL.
- threshold
A numerical value indicating the threshold for the \(-log10p\) value of a marker to be considered a QTL.
- maxCofactors
A numerical value, the maximum number of cofactors to include in the model. If
cofactors are added until no new cofactors are found.- K
A list of chromosome specific kinship matrices. If
andcomputeKin = FALSE
no kinship matrix is included in the models.- computeKin
Should chromosome specific kinship matrices be computed?
- parallel
Should the computation of variance components be done in parallel? This requires a parallel back-end to be registered. See examples.
- verbose
Should progress and intermediate plots be output?
By default only family specific effects and residual variances and no
kinship relations are included in the model. It is possible to include
kinship relations by either specifying computeKin = TRUE
. When doing
so the kinship matrix is computed by averaging \(Z Z^t\) over all markers,
where \(Z\) is the genotype x parents matrix for the marker. It is also
possible to specify a list of precomputed chromosome
specific kinship matrices in K
. Note that adding a kinship matrix
to the model increases the computation time a lot, especially for large
## Read phenotypic data.
pheno <- read.delim(system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxBxCpheno.txt",
package = "statgenMPP"))
## Rename first column to genotype.
colnames(pheno)[1] <- "genotype"
## Compute IBD probabilities for simulated population - AxB, AxC.
ABC <- calcIBDMPP(crossNames = c("AxB", "AxC"),
markerFiles = c(system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxB.txt",
package = "statgenMPP"),
system.file("extdata/multipop", "AxC.txt",
package = "statgenMPP")),
pheno = pheno,
popType = "F4DH",
mapFile = system.file("extdata/multipop", "mapfile.txt",
package = "statgenMPP"),
evalDist = 5)
## Single-QTL Mapping.
ABC_SQM <- selQTLMPP(ABC, trait = "yield", maxCofactors = 0)
## Multi-QTL Mapping.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## Register parallel back-end with 2 cores.
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 2)
## Run multi-QTL mapping.
ABC_MQM <- selQTLMPP(ABC, trait = "yield", parallel = TRUE)
## Run multi-QTL mapping - include kinship matrix.
ABC_MQM_kin <- selQTLMPP(ABC, trait = "yield", parallel = TRUE,
computeKin = TRUE)
} # }