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A pdf report will be created containing a summary of an object of class stability. Simultaneously the same report will be created as a tex file.


# S3 method for stability
report(x, ..., outfile = NULL)



An object of class stability.


Not used.


A character string, the name and location of the output .pdf and .tex file for the report. If NULL, a report with a default name will be created in the current working directory.


A pdf and tex report.

See also

Other stability: gxeStability(), plot.stability()


## Compute three stability measures for TDMaize.
geStab <- gxeStability(TD = TDMaize, trait = "yld")
# \donttest{
## Create a .pdf report summarizing the stability measures.
report(geStab, outfile = tempfile(fileext = ".pdf"))
#> Error in report.stability(geStab, outfile = tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")): An installation of LaTeX is required to create a pdf report.
# }